blonde haired woman holding bouquet of pink roses at camera / julie klemens flower farmer nurse mental health advocate standing in field holding bouquet of roses at camera /

I'm Julie, your flower mom friend.

Longtime online lurker who’s been reading blogs and silently consuming social media. (Seriously, I’ve had a Facebook sine 2005.)

Welcome to the product of years of dreaming, where I swan dive like a clumsy chicken into an online business that’s shaping up to be centered around flowers.

(Edit: I do have chickens. Chickens are not graceful beings. I digress.)

Here, we chat about growing flowers, supporting your mental wellbeing, and we sprinkle in a little IVF and general randomness from my brain.

I find creativity in growing an online business. I’m not an artist in the traditional sense, my creativity is expressed through building a flower farm and an online business.

I am a master at connecting with humans with a decade as a registered nurse. I love to teach, learn, and create.

Stick around long enough to see why I’m so enamored by growing flowers, and you’ll find that I’m never going to exude boss babe vibes. Meeting you where you are is my specialty, and I have nursing to thank for that.

Flowers pulled me out of post partum depression and post partum anxiety and let me start fresh and new. I can not adequately describe the joy of creating fresh bouquets from plants I’ve grown. It is truly a form of therapy to me.

The Bloom Community

P.S.- Are we connected on Threads yet?

My email community is an extension of my thoughts, but more organized and strategic. If you’re on Threads with me, you know I’m a serial poster, and my thoughts come out rapid fire. Emails are organized, LOL.


I was a barista at Starbucks. My impeccable customer service skills are directly correlated to the amount of time I spent slinging coffee.

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